
Essential Knowledge For Marketers: The Social Media Algorithm

In the ever-evolving world of social media, understanding the algorithms that power platforms like Instagram is paramount for creators and businesses alike. Instagram CEO, Adam Mosseri, recently shed light on how the platform suggests content to its users, revealing that multiple algorithms work in tandem to personalise each user’s experience. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve deeper into these algorithms, deciphering how they shape the content users see across Stories, Feed, Reels, and Explore. Additionally, we’ll provide valuable insights on how to grow your audience and stay ahead of algorithmic changes.

instagram stories

Algorithm of Stories: Personalised Moments

Instagram’s Stories algorithm is designed to anticipate which Stories users are most likely to engage with. It takes into account factors such as the frequency of a user viewing Stories from a particular author and the frequency of interactions with those Stories. The ultimate goal is to prioritise Stories from the people and accounts that matter most to the user.

This algorithmic approach ensures that users are presented with Stories that align with their interests and connections, enhancing the overall Instagram experience. As a creator or brand, consistently engaging with your audience through Stories can help maintain a prominent position in your followers’ Stories feed.

Algorithm of Feed: A Complex Content Mix

The home page feed algorithm on Instagram is notably more complex, primarily because it curates content not only from accounts users follow but also from accounts they might find interesting. Key signals influencing the feed’s order include:

History of Interactions: The algorithm considers your past interactions with specific accounts and the content you engage with the most.

Popularity of Posts: Posts that garner high levels of engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, are more likely to appear in your feed.

Author Information: Information about the author, including their profile, content, and engagement history, plays a significant role.

Frequency of Interaction: How often you engage with posts from a particular author can influence the feed’s content.

This multifaceted approach ensures that users are exposed to a diverse range of content while still prioritising posts from accounts they actively engage with.

instagram feeds

Algorithm of Reels: Discovering the Unknown

Reels, Instagram’s short-form video feature, introduces an algorithm aimed at suggesting videos from accounts users may not be familiar with, keeping users entertained and engaged. The Reels algorithm takes into account:

Past Interactions: Your history of interactions with users’ content, even those you may not follow.

Likelihood of Completion: The algorithm predicts which videos you are likely to watch until the end, indicating a high level of interest.

Sharing and Profile Visits: The likelihood of you sharing a Reel or visiting the creator’s profile can influence content suggestions.

This algorithmic approach drives discovery and allows users to stumble upon exciting content beyond their immediate network.

Algorithm of Explore: A World of Possibilities

Instagram’s Explore page shares a common goal with Reels—to present content from accounts users might be interested in but aren’t following. The Explore algorithm predicts which posts you’re likely to like, save, or share based on factors such as:

Post Popularity: The engagement and popularity of a post play a significant role in its appearance on Explore.

Relevant Topics: The algorithm considers the topics and themes you’ve shown interest in through your interactions and content consumption.

Author Insights: The history of interactions with a particular author and their content is taken into account.

The Explore page acts as a gateway to discovering new accounts and content, broadening users’ horizons and interests.

How to Grow Your Audience on Instagram

To effectively grow your audience on Instagram, adopting a strategic and adaptive approach is crucial. This involves a combination of experimentation, engagement, trend leveraging, collaborations, and a focus on original content.

Experiment and Engage: Experimenting with different types of content and formats can help you understand what truly resonates with your target audience. This process of trial and error, coupled with an active engagement strategy—such as responding to comments and interacting with followers—can foster a strong sense of community around your brand.

Leverage Trends: Staying attuned to current trends and incorporating them into your content strategy can also significantly boost your visibility and attract new followers. Trend-related content often performs well because it taps into the immediate interests and conversations of the Instagram community.

Collaborate with Creators: Collaborating with other creators or influencers in your niche is another effective strategy for audience growth. Such partnerships allow you to tap into each other’s audiences, introducing your content to potential followers who have a demonstrated interest in your niche.

Create Original Content: Prioritizing the creation of original content is key. While curating content can add value, originality sets your brand apart and is more likely to engage users and be favored by Instagram’s algorithms. By focusing on producing unique and compelling content, you position your account as a valuable and distinctive presence on the platform.

instagram profile

Staying Ahead of Algorithm Changes

As Instagram’s algorithms evolve, staying informed and adapting your strategies is crucial for sustained success. Many businesses and creators choose to collaborate with marketing agencies to navigate algorithm changes effectively. Marketing agencies are often at the forefront of industry trends and have direct access to official news on algorithm updates.

Working with an agency can provide you with valuable insights and strategies tailored to the latest algorithmic shifts. These agencies can help you optimise your content, engagement tactics, and posting schedule to align with Instagram’s algorithms, ensuring that your content remains visible and engaging.


Understanding Instagram’s algorithms is essential for anyone looking to thrive on the platform. By deciphering how Stories, Feed, Reels, and Explore are curated, you can strategically tailor your content and engagement efforts to reach your target audience effectively. To grow your audience and adapt to algorithm changes, consider seeking guidance from marketing agencies that specialise in navigating the ever-changing landscape of social media.

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