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Crafting a Winning Keyword Strategy

In the digital age, the importance of a meticulously crafted keyword strategy cannot be overstressed for businesses aiming to maximise their online visibility and engagement. A robust keyword strategy is not merely a component of digital marketing; it’s the backbone of effective search engine optimization (SEO), critical for enhancing brand visibility and driving business success in an increasingly competitive online marketplace.

Google’s predominance in the search engine market, holding a substantial 75% share as reported by Smart Insights in 2017, underscores the necessity for businesses to optimise their keyword strategies for Google’s algorithms. The goal is not just to appear in search results but to rank prominently where potential customers are most likely to find you. This pivotal aspect of digital marketing ensures that your online content connects with the right audience at the right time.

discussion between two women

Developing a Comprehensive Keyword Strategy

The essence of a successful keyword strategy lies in its ability to bridge the gap between your online content and your target audience’s search queries. Keywords serve as the linchpin that aligns business offerings with customer needs, enabling your website and content to appear in search results for relevant queries. This process starts with a deep dive into understanding your audience and the language they use when seeking products or services online.

  1. Audience Insight is Key

Understanding your business audience forms the cornerstone of any effective keyword strategy. This involves identifying the demographics, interests, and search behaviours of your target market. Tools and techniques such as audience surveys, social media engagement, and analytics platforms can provide valuable insights into the words and phrases your potential customers use. This knowledge allows for the creation of a keyword strategy that resonates with your audience, thereby increasing the likelihood of attracting qualified traffic to your site.

  1. Leveraging Research Tools

Choosing the right tool for keyword research and tracking is critical. Platforms like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs offer in-depth insights into keyword search volume, competition levels, and trends. These tools are indispensable for uncovering high-potential keywords that can drive targeted traffic to your website. Moreover, they enable businesses to monitor the performance of their chosen keywords, facilitating timely adjustments to their strategy.

  1. Crafting a Diverse Keyword List

A comprehensive list of keywords, encompassing both short-tail and long-tail phrases, sets the stage for a nuanced keyword strategy. Short-tail keywords, while often boasting higher search volumes, are generally more competitive. In contrast, long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less common, tend to attract more targeted traffic with a higher intent to convert. The inclusion of a variety of keywords ensures a balanced approach, capable of capturing a wide range of search intents.

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  1. Prioritising Keywords

With a substantial list of potential keywords at your disposal, the next step involves selecting those with the highest potential for achieving your business goals. Criteria for selection include relevance to your business, search volume, and keyword difficulty. This selection process is critical for focusing your efforts on keywords that can realistically improve your search engine rankings and drive meaningful traffic to your site.

  1. Organising Keywords into Clusters

The concept of topic clusters represents an advanced SEO strategy, wherein related keywords are grouped around central themes or “pillar” content. This approach not only helps in organising your content strategy but also enhances your website’s SEO by creating a structured network of internal links. Search engines favour this structured approach, as it facilitates a better understanding of your site’s content and its relevance to specific search queries.

  1. Content Creation and Optimization

Armed with a strategically curated list of keywords and topic clusters, the focus shifts to content creation. The integration of selected keywords into high-quality, valuable content is paramount. This content should not only be optimised for search engines but also crafted to engage and provide value to your target audience. Consistency in publishing fresh content is key to sustaining and growing your online presence.

  1. Continuous Analysis and Iteration

A keyword strategy is dynamic, necessitating regular analysis and adjustments based on performance data. Tools such as Google Analytics offer insights into how your content performs in search results, enabling you to refine your keyword selection and content strategy over time. Keeping abreast of changes in search engine algorithms and consumer search behaviours is essential for maintaining and enhancing your search visibility.


In essence, a well-orchestrated keyword strategy is integral to navigating the complexities of online marketing and SEO. By understanding and aligning with your audience’s search behaviours, leveraging powerful research tools, and continuously refining your approach based on data-driven insights, your business can achieve a prominent online presence. This not only boosts your brand visibility but also drives targeted traffic to your website, laying the groundwork for increased conversions and business growth. As the digital landscape evolves, so too should your keyword strategy, adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of search engine algorithms and consumer preferences to maintain a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.

Blog Content Marketing eCommerce

The 3 biggest marketing fails of all times

Marketing blunders can profoundly impact any brand, emphasising the critical importance of aligning brands with customer values. This article explores three notable marketing failures, highlighting the consequences of insensitivity and the valuable lessons that can be drawn from these errors.

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In 2017, Pepsi released a controversial commercial featuring Kendall Jenner. The advertisement depicted Jenner joining a protest and offering a Pepsi to a police officer, suggesting the beverage could promote unity and peace. However, the ad received immense backlash for its perceived insensitivity, particularly for seeming to trivialise movements like Black Lives Matter. Critics and activists, including Elle Hearns and Bernice King, condemned the ad for oversimplifying and misrepresenting protest movements’ significance. Pepsi withdrew the advertisement and issued an apology, admitting to missing the mark. This incident underscores the importance of not exploiting controversial topics or social issues for product promotion. Thorough research is vital to avoid alienating your audience and risking customer loss.

When considering the incorporation of trending topics into marketing strategies, it is crucial to approach with sensitivity and awareness. Identifying trending topics through search trend data and social listening can help understand public interest. Yet, the essential lesson is to avoid tone-deaf messaging. Marketing campaigns must align with the issue’s context and sentiment without exploiting sensitive subjects. Proper research and risk assessment can prevent audience alienation and foster ethical marketing practices.


Dove encountered controversy with a video that was meant to celebrate diversity but ended up being criticised for racial insensitivity. The media’s portrayal led to accusations of racism and calls for boycotting Dove products. Dove removed the video, issued an apology, and reaffirmed their commitment to thoughtful representation. This example illustrates the importance of authentic and respectful promotion of diversity. Organisations should ensure their marketing efforts genuinely reflect cultural and social nuances and involve diverse perspectives to avoid misinterpretation.

audi car

Audi faced backlash for a commercial aired in China, which was criticised for objectifying women. The ad, intended to highlight the importance of making careful choices, likened women to second-hand cars, sparking global outrage. Audi’s apology and withdrawal of the ad remind us of the necessity for careful consideration of marketing content to avoid misinterpretation and offence. Seeking diverse perspectives during the development of marketing campaigns can ensure appropriateness and prevent controversy.

These marketing failures highlight the paramount importance of sensitivity in advertising. Insensitive marketing can quickly undermine brand integrity. Brands must prioritise diversity, inclusivity, and cultural awareness, conduct thorough market research, and heed their audience’s feedback. In today’s socially and ethically conscious consumer environment, aligning with customer values is not merely a strategic choice but a fundamental obligation.

Extending from the pivotal lessons learned from historical marketing blunders, it becomes clear that the path forward for brands is not only to avoid insensitivity but to actively engage in positive, meaningful conversations with their audiences. Marketing is not just about selling a product or service; it’s about communicating values, understanding, and respect. This extension into the realm of ethical marketing demands a deeper connection with societal issues and a commitment to contribute positively to the dialogues around them.

One of the key takeaways from past marketing failures is the necessity for brands to cultivate an internal culture that mirrors the diversity and inclusivity they wish to project externally. This internal culture should be deeply ingrained, influencing every decision, from product development to marketing strategies. It involves a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation, ensuring that the brand remains relevant and respectful in a rapidly changing world.

Moreover, the evolution of digital media and the proliferation of social platforms have transformed the way brands interact with their customers. This digital landscape offers a unique opportunity for brands to listen more closely to their audience, engage in real-time conversations, and adjust their strategies based on immediate feedback. The agility to respond, adapt, and sometimes pivot entirely, is a critical asset in avoiding the pitfalls of insensitivity.

Another crucial aspect is the partnership with influencers and public figures in marketing campaigns. While leveraging their reach and influence can be incredibly effective, it also requires a careful vetting process to ensure their values align with the brand’s. The controversy surrounding the Pepsi ad serves as a reminder that the choice of spokesperson and the message they deliver must be in harmony with the brand’s ethics and the sensibilities of its audience.

Furthermore, the importance of transparent and authentic communication cannot be overstated. In instances where mistakes are made, a prompt, sincere apology and actionable steps towards rectification can go a long way in maintaining trust. This transparency extends to all facets of marketing, from the accuracy of product claims to the authenticity of social impact initiatives. Consumers today are more informed and critical, and they demand honesty from the brands they choose to support.

Looking to the future, brands have the opportunity to be pioneers in shaping a more inclusive and respectful society. By integrating social and environmental responsibility into their core strategies, they can not only avoid marketing blunders but also lead by example. This involves not just avoiding negative portrayals or insensitivities but actively promoting positive messages and supporting social causes through their platforms.

In sum, the journey beyond merely avoiding marketing mistakes to embracing a role as a positive societal influencer is both a challenge and an opportunity for brands. It requires a holistic approach that integrates sensitivity, diversity, and inclusivity into every aspect of a brand’s operations. As companies navigate this complex landscape, the ultimate goal should be to create marketing that resonates not just for its creativity or impact on sales, but for its contribution to a more understanding and compassionate world. In doing so, brands can build deeper, more meaningful connections with their audiences, grounded in shared values and mutual respect.

Blog Content Marketing Instagram Social Media

Mastering Instagram Reels: The Do’s and Don’ts for Engaging Content

Instagram, a platform that started as a hub for sharing snapshots of life’s moments, has rapidly evolved into a multimedia powerhouse. With over a billion monthly active users, it’s not just a place for personal photos anymore; it’s a thriving space for businesses, influencers, and content creators. At the forefront of this evolution is Instagram Reels, a feature that offers users the ability to craft 15-second video clips enriched with music, filters, and effects. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the do’s and don’ts of Instagram Reels, unlocking the secrets to creating engaging and compelling content.

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The Do’s of Instagram Reels

Mastering Instagram Reels requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and an understanding of the platform’s unique features. At the heart of effective Reels content lies the embrace of vertical video. This format, preferred for its ability to capture more screen real estate, ensures a more immersive and engaging viewing experience. To add vibrancy and emotional depth to your Reels, leveraging the Instagram Music Library is a must. With an extensive selection of trending tracks and popular songs, or even the option to use your original audio, you can significantly enhance the appeal of your content.

Adherence to Instagram’s Community Guidelines is non-negotiable. It’s essential to create content that upholds the values and integrity of the platform, steering clear of anything that could be considered hate speech or graphic violence. Instagram Reels also offers a treasure trove of creative tools designed to elevate your content. From text overlays and filters to music, voice-overs, and camera effects, experimenting with these features can significantly boost the visual and auditory appeal of your Reels.

Setting trends rather than just following them can also amplify your impact on the platform. Creating Reels that encourage participation can foster a sense of community and shared creativity among your audience. Authenticity should be at the core of your content creation. Authentic, original content, capturing spontaneous and unfiltered moments, tends to resonate more deeply with viewers.

Staying abreast of cultural moments, trends, and hot topics is crucial for keeping your content current and relatable. Incorporating these elements into your Reels can help you stay connected with your audience. Capturing the viewer’s attention right from the start is vital. An intriguing opening is key to engaging viewers and keeping their interest through to the end of your Reel, which should ideally leave them surprised or delighted with an unexpected twist. By following these guidelines, you can craft Instagram Reels that not only capture but also captivate your audience, fostering engagement and connection.


The Don’ts of Instagram Reels

When creating Instagram Reels, there are certain practices you should steer clear of to maintain the quality and engagement of your content. First and foremost, avoid using horizontal video formats. Instagram Reels is optimized for vertical video, which not only engages viewers more effectively but also utilizes the platform’s screen real estate efficiently. Horizontal videos can be less engaging and present challenges in recreating the immersive experience that Reels are known for.

Additionally, it’s crucial to avoid low-resolution content. Fuzzy or blurry visuals can significantly detract from the overall impact of your Reels, so always ensure your videos and photos are of high quality and clarity. While it might be tempting to use your favorite tracks from outside Instagram’s Music Library, it’s important to stick to the approved library or ensure you have the necessary licensing rights for external music to avoid copyright issues.

Content creators should also shy away from including time-sensitive or dated references in their Reels. Content that remains timeless and relevant is more likely to engage audiences over a longer period. Moreover, avoid overloading your Reels with text. While text can enhance your message, too much can overwhelm viewers, so finding a balance is key.

Watermarked content, indicating the use of certain editing apps, can also reduce the professionalism of your Reels. Opt for original, watermark-free content to maintain a polished look. Lastly, it’s imperative to comply with Instagram’s Community Guidelines. Content that features hate speech, graphic violence, or violates any other guidelines should be avoided to uphold the integrity and values of the platform. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can create Instagram Reels that captivate and engage your audience effectively.

help a friend to take video

Creating engaging content on Instagram Reels isn’t just about following the trends; it’s about harnessing your creativity to craft compelling narratives that captivate your audience. Remember to stay authentic, uphold community guidelines, and maintain a finger on the pulse of what’s current. By adhering to these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of Instagram Reels and forging a deeper connection with your audience.

Looking for digital marketing services?

The Comma Creative provides a range of professional digital marketing services, including social media marketing, to improve the reach of your Instagram Reels. Contact us for more details.

Blog Content Marketing Digital Experience

The importance of font pairing: Elevating design and communication

In the realm of design, fonts serve as a silent yet powerful communication tool. They convey not just words but emotions, personalities, and identities. In an era where visuals dominate, choosing the right font or combination of fonts is pivotal. One aspect of this decision-making process that often goes underestimated is font pairing, a practice that can make or break a design. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the multifaceted significance of font pairing, why it matters, and how to master it to elevate design and communication.

Fonts as a Visual Language

Fonts are more than just letters on a screen or paper; they are a visual language. Each font carries a unique personality and tone, which can significantly influence how a message is perceived. Fonts can be playful or serious, elegant or bold, traditional or modern. When harnessed effectively, they can evoke specific emotions and elicit desired responses from the audience.

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The Role of Font Pairing

Font pairing is the art of selecting and combining two or more fonts that complement each other harmoniously within a design. It is akin to orchestrating a symphony where each font plays a distinct role, contributing to the overall visual composition. The primary objectives of font pairing are to enhance readability, establish visual hierarchy, and reinforce the intended message.

1. Enhancing Readability

Readability is paramount in any form of communication. The right font pairing ensures that the text is not only legible but also inviting to read. Effective font combinations create a flow that guides the reader’s eye effortlessly, eliminating distractions and enhancing comprehension. For example, pairing a legible sans-serif font with a complementary serif font in headings can strike the perfect balance between readability and elegance.

2. Establishing Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of elements in a design to emphasize their importance. Font pairing plays a pivotal role in establishing this hierarchy. By choosing fonts with different weights, styles, and sizes, designers can guide the viewer’s gaze, highlighting critical information and creating a natural reading path. For instance, a bold, sans-serif font for headlines and a lighter, serif font for body text can create a clear visual hierarchy.

3. Reinforcing the Message

Fonts can convey subliminal messages that reinforce the intended content. For instance, a script font might evoke a sense of elegance and tradition, making it suitable for wedding invitations or high-end brands. In contrast, a clean, modern sans-serif font can convey simplicity and innovation, aligning with tech-focused products or services. The right font pairing strengthens these messages by harmonising contrasting tones or styles.

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Why Font Pairing Matters

The significance of font pairing extends beyond aesthetics. It influences the effectiveness of design and the clarity of communication. Here are compelling reasons why font pairing should not be overlooked:

1. Differentiation

Font pairing allows for differentiation between various elements in a design. Headlines, subheadings, body text, and captions can each have a distinct font, creating visual diversity and preventing monotony.

2. Brand Identity

For businesses and organisations, consistent font pairing becomes an integral part of brand identity. A well-defined font pairing strategy ensures that all communications, from websites to marketing materials, align with the brand’s personality and values.

3. Emotional Resonance

Fonts have the power to evoke emotions and establish connections. Font pairing can amplify these emotional resonances, allowing designers to craft designs that elicit specific feelings in the audience.

4. Cross-Medium Consistency

In today’s multi-platform digital landscape, consistency across different mediums is crucial. Effective font pairing provides a unifying visual thread that ensures a seamless brand experience across websites, social media, print materials, and more.

5. Creative Expression

Font pairing is an opportunity for creative expression. Designers can experiment with fonts to create unique, eye-catching designs that stand out in a crowded visual landscape.

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Mastering Font Pairing

Mastering the art of font pairing is an essential skill for designers, enabling them to create visually compelling and coherent designs. This craft hinges on a delicate balance of contrast, compatibility, consistency, restraint, experimentation, and intuition. Here’s an elaboration on how to refine your font pairing technique:

1. Contrast is Key

One of the foundational principles of effective font pairing is contrast. This doesn’t just refer to font size but also to the style and weight of the fonts used. For instance, combining a robust, weighty sans-serif font with a delicate serif can create a striking visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s attention and emphasizing key parts of your design. Contrast facilitates differentiation between text elements, such as headings and body text, making your content more accessible and engaging.

2. Complementary Styles

While contrast is crucial, the fonts should also harmonize. Selecting fonts that share a common design era or philosophy can subtly tie your design together. A sleek, minimalist sans-serif paired with a geometric serif echoes modernism and can complement each other without competing for attention. This synergy between fonts supports a unified design language, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your project.

3. Maintain Consistency

Consistency in font pairing is vital to avoid dissonance in your design. This means choosing fonts that, despite their differences, work together to support the mood and message of your project. For example, a design aiming for an elegant and luxurious feel might pair a refined serif with a clean, light sans-serif, both contributing to the sophisticated vibe. Consistency ensures that your font pairings enhance, rather than detract from, the design’s intent.

4. Limit the Number of Fonts

While the variety of fonts available can be tempting, using too many different fonts can overwhelm your design and dilute its impact. A good rule of thumb is to limit yourself to two or three fonts within a single project. This limitation encourages creativity within constraints and ensures your design remains focused and cohesive.

5. Test and Iterate

The process of finding the perfect font pairing is often iterative. Don’t hesitate to experiment with various combinations, observing how they influence your design’s readability, mood, and visual appeal. Testing different pairings in the context of your design and seeking feedback can lead to discoveries that significantly enhance your project.

6. Trust Your Instincts

Finally, while there are guidelines and best practices for font pairing, much of this skill relies on personal intuition and creativity. As you gain experience, trust your instincts about what works and what doesn’t. Often, the most successful font pairings come from a willingness to explore and innovate beyond conventional choices.

In the world of design and communication, fonts are the unsung heroes that convey messages beyond words. Font pairing, the strategic selection and combination of fonts, is the conductor that orchestrates these visual narratives. When done effectively, font pairing enhances readability, establishes visual hierarchy, and reinforces the message’s impact.

Designers and communicators must recognize that font pairing is not merely an aesthetic choice; it is a critical component of effective design and brand communication. By understanding the nuances of font personalities, experimenting with contrast and complementary styles, and embracing creativity, one can master the art of font pairing and unlock the potential to create visually compelling and emotionally resonant designs.

Blog Content Marketing Influencer Marketing Social Media

4 reasons to work with KOLs

KOLs, or key opinion leaders, are individuals who have a significant influence on the purchasing decisions of others in their field. KOLs may be thought of as trendsetters or early adopters, and they often have a large social media following. In many cases, KOLs are experts in their field and are respected for their knowledge and opinions. As such, companies will often seek out KOLs to promote their products or services. 

KOL marketing is a type of influencer marketing that seeks to build relationships with influential individuals in order to promote a brand or product. By aligning with a KOL, companies can tap into the individual’s social capital and reach a wider audience. KOL marketing can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow a business.

influencer take video

What are the reasons to work with KOLS

In today’s digital age, where influence often eclipses traditional marketing, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) have emerged as a potent force for brands seeking to establish a meaningful connection with their target audience. These individuals wield significant influence and can shape the purchasing decisions of their followers. Below, we delve deeper into the compelling reasons why collaborating with KOLs is a strategic imperative for businesses:

1. Reach a Wider and More Engaged Audience:

When it comes to building a successful brand, reach and engagement are paramount. KOLs, with their extensive social media followings and highly engaged communities, offer an exceptional opportunity to connect with a broader audience.

KOLs’ reach extends far beyond traditional marketing channels. Their large and diverse follower base ensures that your message reaches not only a wider audience but one that is also highly engaged with the content they consume. By aligning your brand with KOLs, you leverage their social capital to ensure that your message resonates with those who matter most. It’s a smart choice for businesses aspiring to elevate their brand to the next level.

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2. Drive Sales and Boost Conversions:

Ultimately, the success of any business lies in its ability to make sales and generate revenue. Working with KOLs can be a catalyst for achieving these goals. These influencers are trusted and respected within their niche, making their endorsements and product recommendations incredibly impactful.

By partnering with KOLs, you gain access to a vast pool of potential customers who trust the opinions of these influencers. This trust can translate into increased sales and conversions for your business. KOLs can effectively showcase the unique value proposition of your products or services, leading to a higher likelihood of purchase.

Moreover, KOLs can provide valuable insights into your target market, allowing you to refine your marketing strategy and tailor your offerings to meet the specific needs and preferences of your audience. If you’re on a quest to boost sales and expand your customer base, collaborating with KOLs is an effective and strategic option.

3. Expand Beyond Social Marketing:

Working with KOLs can propel your business beyond the confines of traditional social marketing. These influencers bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, which can be shared with your team. Their insights can reshape your business strategy and open new avenues for growth.

KOLs often have extensive networks of other professionals within their industry. By partnering with them, you gain access to new markets and potential customers that you might not have reached through conventional marketing efforts alone.

Furthermore, KOLs are highly respected figures in their fields. Their association with your brand can enhance your credibility and foster trust among your target audience. In conclusion, teaming up with KOLs is an excellent strategy to help your business grow beyond the confines of social marketing, leveraging their experience, connections, and industry respect to reach new heights.

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4. Gain Support from Industry Experts:

KOLs are not just influencers; they are experts in their respective domains. Their endorsement of your brand can significantly boost awareness and generate excitement around your products or services.

Beyond being brand ambassadors, KOLs can serve as invaluable sounding boards. Their insights and feedback can help shape your marketing strategy, ensuring it resonates with your target audience. Quality always trumps quantity in KOL partnerships. It’s more effective to collaborate with a select group of passionate KOLs who genuinely believe in your products than to engage a large number of lukewarm supporters.

At The Comma Creative, we specialise in identifying and fostering relationships with top-tier KOLs who align with your brand’s values and goals. We can help you identify the right partners and ensure that your collaborations yield the maximum impact.

In conclusion, working with Key Opinion Leaders is not just a marketing trend; it’s a strategic imperative in today’s competitive landscape. These influencers offer access to wider audiences, increased credibility, and the potential for exponential growth. Partnering with KOLs can help your brand achieve new heights of success, tapping into their expertise, networks, and the trust they’ve built within their communities. Contact us today to discover how we can assist you in reaching your marketing objectives through KOL collaborations.

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The Upsizing Trend: Why Logos Are Getting Larger

Logos and trademarks have long been the visual ambassadors of brands. A well-designed logo has the power to instantly trigger brand recognition and convey a multitude of associations and emotions. In today’s marketing landscape, there’s a noticeable shift towards logos that are not just memorable but also larger in scale. This trend is prevalent across various industries, including luxury goods, automotive, and fashion. So, why are logos becoming larger, and what considerations should go into creating one?

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The Rise of Larger Logos

Visibility and Recognition: In the world of marketing, the adage “bigger is better” often holds true. Large logos are easier to spot and recognize, whether it’s on a billboard, a storefront, or a social media post. The increased size enhances visibility, ensuring that the brand doesn’t get lost in the noise.

Repeated Exposure: Larger logos create a lasting impact through repeated exposure. When consumers encounter a brand’s logo frequently and prominently, it reinforces brand recall and strengthens the connection between the logo and the brand’s identity.

Pride and Status: Owning products featuring larger logos can evoke a sense of pride and status in consumers. Displaying a prominent logo can be a way for individuals to showcase their association with a particular brand or lifestyle.

Social Media Influence: The ubiquity of social media plays a significant role in the trend towards larger logos. As more people share their experiences and possessions on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, brands are keen to ensure that their logos are prominent in user-generated content. This organic exposure is highly valuable.

Sales and Market Demand: Perhaps the most persuasive factor for brands is the increased sales of products featuring large logos. The demand for such items is a compelling incentive for brands to design more products with prominently displayed logos.

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Considerations When Creating Logos

When embarking on the creation of a logo, several pivotal considerations must guide the design process to ensure the logo effectively represents the brand and resonates with the target audience. Choosing the right style is the first step. The logo’s style should not only reflect the industry’s characteristics but also meet the target audience’s expectations. An instantly recognizable logo, like a slice of pizza for a pizzeria, paired with an appropriate color scheme, can significantly enhance brand recognition and convey the nature of the business effectively.

Understanding the target audience is crucial for the logo’s success. A logo’s design should resonate with the intended demographic, necessitating a deep dive into their preferences, values, and behaviors. This understanding enables the creation of a logo that not only captures the essence of the brand but also connects emotionally with the audience, fostering brand loyalty and recognition.

Font selection is another critical aspect of logo design in the digital age. The chosen font must be clear, distinctive, and readable across various platforms and devices to ensure the brand is easily identifiable. The logo’s legibility is paramount, particularly in an era where digital presence spans across multiple devices and screen sizes. A well-chosen font contributes to the logo’s overall impact and brand recall.

The color scheme and versatility of the logo are key factors. Colors evoke emotions and can communicate the brand’s personality, making the choice of colors a strategic decision. Using tools like Adobe Color can help find a harmonious palette that aligns with the brand’s values and enhances visual appeal. Additionally, a logo must be versatile, capable of adapting to various mediums and sizes without losing its essence. This adaptability ensures the logo remains effective and recognizable, whether it’s displayed on a mobile screen or a billboard, contributing to the brand’s longevity and success.

An Example of the Large Logo Trend

An excellent example of the trend towards larger logos can be found in the fashion industry, particularly with luxury brands. Take the iconic Louis Vuitton logo, for instance. In recent years, Louis Vuitton has embraced the trend of prominently displaying its iconic monogram on a range of products, from handbags to sneakers. The oversized monogram has become a symbol of luxury and status, and consumers actively seek out products that prominently feature this logo.

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Additional Considerations for Logo Creation

In the process of creating a logo, uniqueness plays a pivotal role. A logo should not only capture the essence of the brand but also stand out in a crowded marketplace. This necessitates steering clear of designs that bear too close a resemblance to those of competitors, as such similarities can lead to confusion among consumers. The goal is to design a logo that is distinctive enough to be instantly recognizable as associated with your brand, thus avoiding any potential brand identity mix-ups and fostering a unique brand image.

Timelessness is another crucial factor to consider in logo creation. While it might be tempting to incorporate elements that are trendy at the moment, it’s important to remember that trends are fleeting. Aiming for a timeless design ensures that your logo remains relevant and effective across different eras, eliminating the need for frequent redesigns. This approach not only solidifies brand recognition over time but also contributes to a consistent and enduring brand identity that resonates with audiences for years to come.

Simplicity in logo design cannot be overstated. A logo that is simple and uncluttered stands a better chance of being memorable and versatile. Simplicity ensures that the logo can be easily recognized and reproduced across various mediums and sizes, from digital screens to physical merchandise, without losing its integrity. This principle of simplicity aids in creating a logo that is effective in its communication and adaptable to a wide range of applications, enhancing the overall brand presence.

Finally, incorporating feedback and testing into the logo design process is essential. Gathering insights from a diverse group of individuals can provide valuable perspectives that might not have been considered otherwise. Testing the logo in different contexts and with real users helps identify any potential issues, such as scalability problems or misinterpretations of the design. This step ensures that the final logo is not only visually appealing but also functional and effective in representing the brand across all intended platforms and audiences.


The trend of larger logos is a response to the evolving dynamics of marketing, where visibility, recognition, and consumer preferences play pivotal roles. When creating a logo, careful consideration of the target audience, industry, font, colour scheme, versatility, uniqueness, timelessness, simplicity, and user feedback can lead to the development of a logo that not only stands out but also resonates with consumers across various mediums and contexts.

Blog Content Marketing Search Engine Optimisation

Leaders in marketing share views on ChatGPT – 5 key problems and suggestions

In just a few months, ChatGPT has emerged as a powerful ally, revolutionising the way marketers craft content and engage with their audiences. However, as we delve deeper into the realm of AI-generated content, we encounter a set of challenges that, if left unaddressed, can hinder its full potential. In collaboration with leading Australian marketers, we’ve identified five critical issues that marketers face with ChatGPT. In this comprehensive exploration, we will dissect these challenges and offer practical insights into how to overcome them.

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The 5 problems of ChatGPT

Repetitive Sentence Structure

Opinion: One of the most noticeable issues with ChatGPT-generated content is its tendency to produce sentences that follow a repetitive and monotonous structure. This can make the content sound mechanical and unnatural, particularly in casual settings like social media posts.

Suggestion: To tackle this problem, consider reading the AI-generated content aloud, paying particular attention to stop words. Identifying and rewriting clunky sentences can significantly enhance the readability and engagement of your content.

Limited Word Variations

Opinion: ChatGPT exhibits a penchant for using certain keywords repetitively when generating content on specific topics. This lack of word variation can diminish the appeal and effectiveness of advertising copies, rendering them less engaging to the audience.

Suggestion: To address this limitation, focus on reducing the repetitive use of specific words or phrases within your content. For example, if you mention a brand like “Chanel” initially, consider using “the French brand” for subsequent mentions to introduce variety and maintain reader interest.

Missing Brand Voice

Opinion: Brands often invest significant effort in defining their unique voice—a crucial aspect of their identity. However, ChatGPT frequently falls short in capturing and replicating this distinctive essence when generating content.

Suggestion: While ChatGPT can serve as a valuable draft generator, it is essential to review and fine-tune the content to align it with your brand’s voice. Customization is key to ensuring that your content remains consistent with your brand’s identity and resonates with your target audience.

Intellectual Property Issue

Opinion: Every prompt entered into ChatGPT contributes to its continuous learning and improvement. While this is advantageous for its development, it raises concerns regarding intellectual property. Some companies, especially those with stringent IP guidelines, may be hesitant to use ChatGPT due to this potential risk.

Suggestion: Intellectual property leaks are a significant concern and should not be taken lightly. If your organisation prioritises IP protection, consider refraining from using ChatGPT for generating content to prevent any inadvertent exposure of proprietary information.

Information Inaccuracy Liabilities

Opinion: ChatGPT-generated content may sometimes quote inaccurate sources or present information in an incorrect manner. However, companies bear ethical responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of the content shared on their websites or platforms.

Suggestion: Before publishing any content generated by ChatGPT, it is imperative to conduct thorough fact-checking and review. While AI can be a powerful tool, it is not infallible, and human oversight remains essential in ensuring the correctness and credibility of the information presented.

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The Future of ChatGPT: Anticipating Evolutions and Enhancements

As ChatGPT continues to make significant strides in the world of digital marketing, it’s essential to peer into the future and envision the developments and improvements that lie ahead. While OpenAI’s CEO has indicated that the company is not presently engaged in training GPT-5, this does not imply stagnation. OpenAI remains committed to refining and optimising the capabilities of ChatGPT, with future updates poised to address key shortcomings and challenges that have surfaced during its usage in various industries, including digital marketing.

Here, we will delve into the potential future enhancements and evolutions of ChatGPT:

Information Accuracy

One of the most crucial areas for improvement in AI-generated content is enhancing the accuracy of information. ChatGPT has been known to occasionally quote inaccurate sources or convey information in a misleading manner. Future iterations are expected to implement more robust fact-checking mechanisms and verify the sources of data to minimise the dissemination of incorrect information. Marketers can then rely on ChatGPT not only for content generation but also for factual accuracy, which is paramount in maintaining trust with their audiences.

Advanced Language Variations

While ChatGPT is already proficient in multiple languages, it may evolve to offer more nuanced and context-aware language variations. This would enable marketers to create content that resonates even more deeply with diverse global audiences. Improved language capabilities can help in crafting culturally sensitive and region-specific marketing campaigns, further expanding the tool’s utility in international markets.

Customizable Brand Voices

Addressing the challenge of missing brand voice, future iterations of ChatGPT may introduce advanced customization options. Marketers could define their brand’s distinct voice and style parameters within the AI, allowing it to generate content that aligns seamlessly with their brand’s identity. This would empower companies to maintain a consistent and recognizable voice across all their marketing materials.

To allay concerns regarding intellectual property issues, ChatGPT’s future iterations may come equipped with robust safeguards and permissions. Users might have the ability to restrict specific data or content from being used for further training, ensuring that sensitive proprietary information remains secure. This would be particularly beneficial for companies with stringent intellectual property guidelines.

Enhanced Creativity and Innovation

While ChatGPT is already a potent tool for content generation, future versions may exhibit heightened creativity and innovation. This could involve more advanced brainstorming capabilities, allowing marketers to access a broader spectrum of ideas and concepts. Additionally, AI-driven content ideation may become more integrated with the creative process, yielding novel and compelling marketing strategies.

Seamless Integration with Marketing Platforms

As the demand for AI-generated content grows, future ChatGPT iterations may offer enhanced integrations with popular marketing platforms. This would streamline the content creation and publishing workflow, enabling marketers to seamlessly generate, edit, and distribute content across various channels from a centralised interface.

User-Friendly Interfaces

OpenAI is likely to invest in creating more user-friendly interfaces for ChatGPT, making it accessible to a broader range of marketers. Simplified user experiences, intuitive controls, and guided workflows could further democratise the use of AI-generated content, allowing businesses of all sizes to harness its power effectively.

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The future of ChatGPT is marked by a commitment to improvement and innovation. While the AI tool has already revolutionised digital marketing, its potential is far from exhausted. As OpenAI continues to refine and enhance ChatGPT, marketers can look forward to a more powerful, accurate, and versatile tool that will reshape the landscape of content creation and audience engagement. Keeping a keen eye on these forthcoming developments will be pivotal for marketers aiming to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of digital marketing.

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6 New Creative Tools For YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts, the platform’s rapidly growing short-form video feature, has been making waves in the world of content creation. With over 2 billion logged-in users watching monthly, it’s no surprise that YouTube is continuously innovating to make short video creation more accessible and enjoyable. In this exploration, we delve deeper into the six new features introduced by YouTube to empower creators and simplify the process of crafting engaging short videos.

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Feature 1: Collab – Fostering Creative Partnerships

At the heart of YouTube Shorts is the spirit of collaboration, and the introduction of the “Collab” feature takes this concept to the next level. Creators can now record in a split-screen format within short videos, sharing the stage with other YouTube or Shorts videos. This side-by-side layout opens up a world of possibilities for remixing and integrating existing content into new short videos. Whether it’s reacting to viral trends, collaborating with fellow creators, or reimagining popular videos, Collab offers greater creative freedom and flexibility.

The ability to seamlessly blend and interact with other content within a short video not only enhances creativity but also fosters a sense of community among creators. It encourages the sharing of ideas and the co-creation of content, making the YouTube Shorts ecosystem more vibrant than ever.

Feature 2: New Effects and Stickers – Elevating Engagement

One of the hallmarks of YouTube Shorts is its dynamic and engaging content. To keep creators and viewers enthralled, YouTube continuously introduces new effects and stickers. These elements add depth and interactivity to short videos, allowing creators to captivate their audience in innovative ways.

An upcoming feature that creators can look forward to is the Q&A sticker, which facilitates direct interaction with viewers. Creators can pose questions to their audience, and viewers can respond in the comments, fostering meaningful engagement and dialogue. This interactive sticker empowers creators to connect with their audience on a deeper level, making the viewing experience more enjoyable and participatory.

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Feature 3: Live Discovery on Shorts – Expanding Reach

Live streaming has become an integral part of online content creation, and YouTube is making it even more accessible through Shorts. The platform is currently testing a vertical live-streaming feature that allows live streamers to be discovered directly within the YouTube Shorts feed. This move aims to provide live-streaming creators with new avenues to reach audiences and grow their communities.

By enhancing the discoverability of live streams, YouTube Shorts bridges the gap between short-form video content and live interaction. Creators can connect with viewers across different parts of YouTube, expanding their reach and creating dynamic live experiences that resonate with their audience.

Feature 4: Creation Suggestions – Inspiring Innovation

Inspiration can strike in unexpected ways, and YouTube Shorts is making it easier for creators to find it within their community. The “Creation Suggestions” feature is designed to spark creativity by enabling creators to draw inspiration from the work of their peers.

This feature streamlines the process of building upon existing Shorts content. It automatically packages the audio and effects from a Short that’s being remixed, simplifying the creative journey. Creators can leverage this tool to reimagine and remix content, fostering a culture of innovation and artistic exploration within the YouTube Shorts community.

Feature 5: Shorts Playlists – Organizing Inspiration

Organisation is key to effective content creation, and YouTube Shorts recognizes the importance of keeping creators’ ideas in order. The introduction of Shorts playlists allows users to save Shorts videos directly from the Shorts feed to curated playlists.

This feature empowers creators to conveniently collect and organise the content they enjoy watching. These curated playlists of liked Shorts serve as a wellspring of inspiration for creators, making it easy for them to reference and brainstorm ideas for their own Shorts. It’s a practical tool that enhances the creative process and encourages creators to explore new horizons.

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Feature 6: Recomposition Tools – Transforming Long Videos into Shorts

Sometimes, the best content originates from longer videos. Recognizing this, YouTube is set to introduce new editing tools that enable video creators to transform their landscape or horizontal videos into engaging vertical Shorts. These recomposition tools empower creators to readjust framing, zoom, crop, and split their existing long videos.

The goal is to create more visually captivating vertical Shorts while preserving the essential visual elements from longer videos. Creators can reuse key segments, highlight critical moments, and repurpose content in a format that resonates with the YouTube Shorts audience. This not only saves time but also allows creators to maximise the potential of their existing video library.


YouTube Shorts is on a mission to democratise short-form video creation and empower creators with a rich set of features. From collaboration opportunities with Collab to interactive engagement through stickers and live streaming discovery, YouTube Shorts is a dynamic platform that encourages creativity and innovation. With Creation Suggestions inspiring fresh ideas and Shorts playlists organising inspiration, creators have the tools they need to thrive in the world of short-form content. Finally, recomposition tools offer a bridge between long-form and short-form content, allowing creators to repurpose and breathe new life into their videos. As YouTube Shorts continues to evolve, it promises to be a playground for creativity and a source of inspiration for creators around the world.

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Unlocking the Power of Agile Marketing: A Deeper Dive

Change is the only constant in the world of digital marketing. Gone are the days when marketers could compartmentalise their efforts into separate silos for search, video, and social media. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of marketing, one that thrives on agility and adaptability. In this series, we will delve deeper into the world of agile marketing, drawing insights from the experiences of 2,400 marketers. Let’s explore three key principles that can transform your marketing strategy and elevate your brand in this dynamic digital age.

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Plan Strong, Hold Loose: The Agile Marketing Approach

The core tenet of agile marketing is not about discarding planning; rather, it’s about embracing adaptable planning. Agile marketers understand the importance of structure and strategy. They dedicate time each month to review performance metrics and set goals for the short term (monthly), medium term (3-month and 6-month), and long term (yearly). A well-crafted marketing strategy encompasses more than just selecting marketing channels and allocating budgets. It involves crafting a cross-channel marketing strategy that builds a comprehensive marketing funnel.

However, what sets agile marketing apart is the readiness to pivot when necessary. In the agile world, advertising budgets are not set in stone. Weekly amendments to budgets are a common practice. These changes may be channel-specific or, at times, cross-platform, driven by the need to optimise performance and achieve marketing objectives.

Consumer behaviours and preferences change rapidly in today’s digital landscape. Trends shift with each passing news headline. Agile marketers are keenly attuned to these shifts and respond promptly to maintain peak performance. For instance, when consumer behaviour transitions from casual browsing to active purchasing, this shift is reflected in search volumes and social media click-through rates. Agile marketers are quick to reallocate budgets to capitalise on these trends.

The results speak for themselves: 48% of marketers have reported that agile marketing has exceeded their expectations, compared to just 33% of marketers who adhere to fixed marketing budgets. Furthermore, 58% of agile marketers have successfully created more cross-channel touchpoints, amplifying their brand presence and engagement.

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Invest in Specialisation without Sacrificing Collaboration

Agile marketing necessitates specialisation in specific marketing channels. Marketers who hone their expertise in particular channels can significantly enhance channel performance and maximise return on investment. Many companies opt to partner with marketing agencies to tap into specialised knowledge.

While specialisation is crucial, agile marketing also underscores the importance of collaboration among specialised marketers. To extract maximum value from different marketing channels at various stages of a campaign, marketers must work in close coordination. Agile marketing teams are twice as likely to describe their cross-channel efforts as “very tightly integrated.”

Marketing agencies, with their wealth of experience and creative acumen, can play a pivotal role in fostering agile marketing methodologies within companies. In fact, 42% of agile marketers credit their agency partners with pushing them toward a results-first approach, leading to improved collaboration and outcomes.

A case in point is L’Oréal Vietnam, which harnessed agile marketing to broaden its customer base during peak sales seasons and boost online sales. During the 12.12 mega sales campaign, the adoption of agile marketing principles led to a remarkable fourfold increase in return on investment.

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Build Experimentation into Business as Usual: The Agile Mindset

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing marketing landscape, the ability to strike a delicate balance between investing in proven strategies and funding experiments that unearth new opportunities is a hallmark of agile marketing success. Marketers who can strike this balance are well-positioned for long-term growth.

In times of uncertainty, the natural inclination for many businesses is to tighten their belts and reduce marketing budgets. However, agile organisations often take a different approach. They use data analytics to inform their marketing investment decisions and, in the face of uncertainty, they may even increase their marketing spending. This calculated move enables them to seize market share while competitors scale back their efforts.

When formulating marketing strategies with their teams, forward-thinking businesses allocate a contingency budget. This financial cushion provides the flexibility to capitalise on emerging opportunities, which, in turn, can yield superior performance.


Agile marketing is not a mere buzzword; it’s a strategic approach that has reshaped the digital marketing landscape. By striking a balance between structured planning and adaptability, investing in specialisation while fostering collaboration, and integrating experimentation into their core operations, businesses can harness the full potential of agile marketing. The era of digital marketing is dynamic, and agile marketing is the compass that guides brands to navigate this ever-evolving terrain successfully.

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Marketing towards Gen Z

Marketing to Generation Z, or Gen Z, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for businesses. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in a world dominated by the internet, social media, and smartphones. Their distinctive characteristics and digital upbringing require a tailored approach to marketing. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into understanding Gen Z, their social media habits, and effective marketing strategies to capture their attention and loyalty.

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Understanding Gen Z: A Digital-First Generation

Understanding Gen Z—a digital-first generation—is crucial for crafting effective marketing strategies that resonate with their unique values, behaviors, and preferences. As digital natives, Gen Z has grown up immersed in the internet and technology, making them highly adept at navigating the online world. This proficiency shapes their consumer habits, preferences, and the ways in which they engage with brands and content online.

Digital Natives

For Gen Z, the internet and digital platforms are not just tools but integral parts of their daily lives. Their comfort and fluency with technology position them as a key audience for digital marketing initiatives.

Social Media Pioneers

Social media isn’t just a pastime for Gen Z; it’s a crucial component of their social lives and how they consume information and entertainment. With an average of four hours spent on social media daily, platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are vital channels for engaging with this generation.

Authenticity Matters

Gen Z values genuine interactions and is more likely to engage with brands that demonstrate authenticity and transparency in their communications. This generation is skeptical of traditional advertising and looks for brands that can align with their values authentically.

Reluctance to Traditional Independence

Marked by a reluctance to rush into traditional markers of independence, many in Gen Z prefer living with their parents longer to save money. This pragmatism extends to their spending habits, indicating a focus on value and practicality in their purchasing decisions.

Influence of Social Media

A significant 80% of Gen Z has been influenced to make purchases based on social media recommendations. While influencer marketing is effective with this cohort, there’s a strong preference for genuine recommendations over overt advertising.

To effectively market to Gen Z, brands need to leverage digital platforms creatively and authentically. Engaging content, transparent communication, and alignment with their values and concerns will resonate more with this generation. Additionally, recognizing their financial pragmatism and preference for authentic, value-driven interactions can help brands build lasting relationships with Gen Z consumers.

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Effective Marketing Strategies for Gen Z

Now that we have a deeper understanding of Gen Z’s characteristics, it’s time to explore strategies that can help businesses effectively market to this generation.

Authentic Influencer Collaboration

Gen Z has a keen awareness of influencer marketing tactics. To engage this generation successfully, brands should focus on authentic influencer partnerships. Rather than having products as the sole focus of scripted content, integrate them seamlessly into a larger, genuine narrative. Highlight real experiences and benefits to resonate with Gen Z’s preference for authenticity.

Brand Persona on Social Media

Gen Z has ushered in the trend of brands having their own distinct persona on social media. Many companies are now hiring creators or hosts to represent their brands on these platforms. To mitigate the risk of relying solely on one brand personality, businesses should consider developing multiple brand personas, each catering to different aspects of their target audience.

Emphasis on Engagement

Gen Z tends to be less brand loyal than previous generations. To capture their attention and loyalty, brands should prioritise engagement. Encourage active participation, feedback, and user-generated content. Providing employees with the freedom to create content that resonates with their friends and families can also help foster engagement.

Leverage Trends

Staying up to date with in-the-moment trends on social media is essential for connecting with Gen Z. Brands should be agile and ready to act swiftly to capitalise on trending topics. Simplicity and relevance are key when participating in trending conversations.

Authenticity and Values

Authenticity remains the cornerstone of successful marketing to Gen Z. Brands should align with values that resonate with this generation, such as sustainability, social responsibility, and inclusivity. Demonstrating a genuine commitment to these values in actions and messaging can establish a strong connection with Gen Z consumers.

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Marketing to Gen Z requires a nuanced approach that embraces their digital-first lifestyle, values authenticity, and prioritises engagement. Brands that understand the unique characteristics of Gen Z and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly will be better positioned to capture the attention and loyalty of this influential generation. By staying authentic, embracing trends, and fostering engagement, businesses can thrive in an era where Gen Z wields considerable consumer power.

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